Thursday, November 25, 2010

Witch doctors and Computer Virus Infection

This article is dedicated to my good friends, who regularly get virus in their laptops and then bring them to me for the "cure". ( and I cleaned them with help of "Decease Cleansing Totem" (dedicated to my World of Warcraft friends) ).
Common Mistakes that lead to infections :

  • "Antivirus are useless". Funny but true, most people think antivirus are worthless.
  • "I checked this pendrive. It doesn't have any viruses". Really?? think again.
  • "This pendrive may have viruses but don't worry, I just need this song from your HDD.". Great Work Einstein.
  • "I formatted the pen drive, No more viruses!!!!". LOL.
You have virus infections: Symptoms.
Most of the symptomsare easily observable.
  • Right clicking pen drives give Odd looking Menu items.
  • Task manager has some unusual processes running.
  • Task manager is blocked or not showing.
  • Msconfig shows unusual entries at startup.
  • Msconfig is blocked.
Avoid double clicking pen drives, either right click->explore or type the address at addressbar.  Get an anti virus!!! regularly update it. Scan every pen drives, even if the owner claims that its empty.

"Prevention is better 'then' cure".

P.S : thanks akshata, luv your comments.


Anonymous said...

Sir again a mistake...
"Prevention is better 'than' cure"...
say 'CHEESE'......

Akshata Prashar said...

Sir again a mistake...
"Prevention is better 'than' cure"...
say 'CHEESE'......
but article z gud one...

HawkEye said...

haha, i cant help it, english grammer is not regular if you know what I mean. I only love context free grammers. :)

Akahata said...

kkzzzzzz koi naa chalega chalega....:) :) :)